
July 01, 2019
Professor Daniel Fletcher has been given the Miller Professorship award, which gives UC Berkeley faculty the chance to be a part of the Miller Institute to further their research interests.
Miller Professorship allow faculty the opportunity to join the Institute’s interdisciplinary community and to pursue new research directions. Appointees are encouraged to follow promising leads that may develop in the course of their research effort whether or not they fall within the original research outline.
June 05, 2019

Graduate students have chosen Wallace Marshall, professor of biochemistry and biophysics, to receive this year’s Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. The Award was presented to Dr. Marshall at the 2019 PhD and Master’s Commencement Ceremony on June 5 at the Herbst Theater

May 17, 2019

Three students from the Denetclaw lab, Adrian Martin, Omar Mendoza and Ashley Pereira, were highlighted in SFSU College of Science and Engineering's 21st Annual Student Project Showcase.

May 05, 2019

Wesley Huang received a 3rd place Graduate Division science presentation award. Wesley works in Diana Chu's lab at SFSU's College of Science and Engineering.
