Advisors and Partners

External Advisory Committee

EAC Chair:  Radhika Nagpal  (Dept. of Computer Science, Harvard University)

Neda Bagheri (Dept. of Biology, University of Washington)

Tom Daniel (Dept. of Biology, University of Washington)

Carlos Gutierrez (Dept. Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSU Los Angeles)

Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (HHMI, Janelia Farm Campus)

Kinkead Reiling (Co-founder, Amyris)

Wenying Shou (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center)

Brian von Herzen (Executive Director, Climate Foundation)

Dan Widmaier (CEO, Bolt Threads)


Ethics Advisors

Because our plans to engineer new types of cells raise bioethical concerns, we have constituted an Ethics Panel consisting of the following bioethics experts:

Megan Palmer (Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University)

Barbara Koenig (Director, UCSF Program in Bioethics)

Robert McGinn (Emeritus Professor, Center for Work, Technology & Organization, Stanford University)