
Wendell Lim holding a model of a molecule
October 22, 2019
Petit Institute Distinguished Lecture recognizes Wendell Lim for his contribution to science.
Hana El-Samad receiving the Kuo Family Endowned Professorship Award
October 08, 2019

CCC Faculty member Hana El-Samad, PhD has been named the Kuo Family Endowed Professor of Biochemistry & Biophysics at UCSF

September 01, 2019

John Dueber, Honorary Chair, was named the Lester John and Lynne Dewar Lloyd Distinguished Professor for his notable contributions in research, teaching, and service.

July 26, 2019

Adrian Martin, from the Denetclaw lab (SFSU), awarded a travel award from the Society for Developmental Biology. He will attend and present at the national meeting.
